In any given home there are a multitude of indoor air pollutants
, from combustion sources such as oil, gas, coal or wood to deteriorating petrochemical products that off-gas toxins into the air your family breathes. These pollutants are proven to cause serious respiratory illnesses from repeated or excessive exposure. An entire market of products and services have spawned to satisfy a need for clean, quality indoor air.
One simple way to protect yourself, your family, and your home from these toxic pollutants is to have your air ducts cleaned regularly. Dirty air ducts are one of the most significant sources of indoor air pollution in the home. Here are five reasons to get your home’s ducts cleaned in any season.
1. You Suspect Mold :-
As your ducts operate over the course of months and years, layers and layers of dust and other particles are slowly being deposited. This dust then absorbs any moisture in the air, creating perfect conditions for mold. The heating and cooling system in your home is a behind-the-scenes operator, meaning it is often not accessible or visible in order to check for mold growth.
If you suspect you may have mold, or just want peace of mind, a regular duct cleaning will help allay any fears. An expert can test for mold in your ducts, as well as give them a preventative cleaning, to keep your indoor breathing air mold-free.
2. You Have Seen or Heard Insects and Rodents : –
Have you ever heard scampering through your ducts at night? Have you ever noticed trails of insects leading from your vents? If so, it is probable you have a vermin infestation. That fine layer of dust and debris in your ducts are a perfect nest for rats, mice, ants, and especially cockroaches. Having your ducts cleaned often will reduce the incentive for vermin to nest there.
3. Your Ducts Have Never Been Cleaned : –
If you cannot remember ever having your home’s ducts cleaned, you should schedule an appointment to have them checked today! Imagine your ducts going years without a thorough cleaning. For years, dust, dead skin cells, dead insects, and toxic particles have contributed layers and layers of debris in your ducts. When ducts become so excessively clogged with particles, these particles are actually blown out of your air vents right into the air you are breathing.
4. You Want Greater Efficiency : –
There is plenty of research that suggests that cleaning the components of your heating and cooling system can lead to greater efficiency. When you have your ducts cleaned by a licensed HVAC professional, they will also clean your fans, cooling coils, and heat exchangers for a vastly more efficient system. Having your system cleaned regularly not only makes the more efficient but results in a longer operating life, and lower maintenance and energy costs.
5. Regular Maintenance Helps Identify Problems Before They Start : –
One of the best reasons to have your air ducts cleaned
is the peace of mind gained from knowing that your ducts and indoor air are clean, free of problems, and operating as efficiently as possible. HVAC technicians will be able to spot any problem with your heating and cooling system, such as holes in your ducts, vermin, mold, or fungi, and correct them, before they become major issues. You can rest assured your home will maintain pristine air quality year in and year out.
4467 W. Lawrence Ave
Chicago , IL 60630
and surrounding areas
Service Available 24/7
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